Digitisation tops LMA priorities for 2019
Lloyd’s Market Association (LMA) CEO Sheila Cameron today told chief executives from across the Lloyd’s managing agency community that the pursuit of seamless digitisation, achieving sustained underwriting discipline and working with Lloyd’s to support its central strategy around distribution and international marketing are top of the LMA’s priority list for 2019.
Speaking at the LMA’s annual CEO lunch, Cameron expressed her honour at being appointed CEO of the association, and restated the LMA’s commitment to enabling a market in which its members can succeed.
“The Lloyd’s market is continuing on a journey of transformation,” Cameron said. “Everyone in this room shares the same passion for the market, which I believe is what enables us to identify and realise the opportunities that arise from change. Reaching our goal of a market digitised from end to end, for example, is one such outcome that will enable our members to concentrate on adding value for customers, so we must make sure that it happens.”
Cameron concluded by stating the LMA’s ability to facilitate consensus among peers would be used to its full extent to address these priorities, and to help create a more efficient marketplace that supplies useful, innovative, economical products, and world-leading service to customers.
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Notes to Editors
Media relations contacts
James Milne, Head of Communications, LMA
Tel: 020 7327 8405
Richard Adams, Haggie Partners
Tel: 0207 562 4444
About the Lloyd’s Market Association (LMA)
Formed in 2001 and located in the heart of the Lloyd’s Building in the City of London, the Lloyd’s Market Association represents the interests of the Lloyd’s underwriting community. All underwriting businesses at Lloyd’s are members, together managing gross premium income of around £31billion per annum.
For more information visit: www.lmalloyds.com